February 2015

Professor Steve Allsop, Director of the National Drug Research Institute (NDRI), recently attended the first World Health Organization (WHO) collaborating centre regional forum for the Western Pacific, held in the Philippines.

February 2015

Dr Lexine Stapinski has been recognised with Australian Rotary Health Knowledge Dissemination Award for her work developing universal school-based programs for adolescents.

February 2015

NDARC’s Dr Emma Barrett a postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use (CREMS) has been awarded a prestigious Australian Fulbright Scholarship 2015.

February 2015

Ms Creina Stockley, an NCETA PhD student, was advised in early December 2014 that she had been awarded her PhD without change.

February 2015

A new working group has been formed to prepare a proposal and recommendations for the development of a new national peak AOD body.

February 2015

NCETA, NDARC and international colleagues continue to collaborate on a project aimed at enhancing General Practitioners' (GP) alcohol brief intervention responses.

February 2015

NCETA continues to work with staff from Middlesex University and other international partners on the Global Workforce Development Project.

February 2015

NCETA has established a new Research Advisory Committee to inform the Centre's research program.

February 2015

NCETA made major contributions to the successful 34th APSAD Conference held in Adelaide from 10-12 November 2014.

February 2015

Dr Ken Pidd has been appointed a patron of Foundation House, the construction industry's alcohol, drug and gambling treatment centre.
