June 2015

Building on its program of work around worker wellbeing, NCETA has been invited by Nunkuwarrin Yunti of South Australia Inc to conduct a workshop at its Social Emotional Well Being Network Meeting

June 2015

Following concerns about AOD use in the fishing industry, Wildcatch Fisheries SA has established a Project Reference Committee to oversee the development of a drug and alcohol workplace policy for

June 2015

Learn more about NCETA's recent workshops.

June 2015

NCETA developed a series of information sheets that provide an overview of current patterns and trends in methamphetamine use and associated harms in Australia.

June 2015

In this new section, you can read about the latest PhD news from across the three centres. We will feature our most recently awarded PhDs and their research projects, new PhD candidates and the journey they are embarking on, as well as scholarship opportunities for new candidates.

June 2015

Construction workers and their employers have a new tool to tackle alcohol and drug use and help create a safer workplace.

June 2015

There is growing interest in the issue of inequity in society in general, and particularly in relation to health.

April 2015

Australian researchers have worked with local high school students to create a unique interactive drug education game for Australian teenagers. Called Pure Rush, the game is targeted at students in Years 8 to 10 and aims to inform adolescents about the potential harms of cannabis, methamphetamine, hallucinogens and pills such as ecstasy.

April 2015

NDRI researchers Dr Julia Butt and Dr Robert Tait are the conference co-convenors for the 2015 APSAD scientific conference.

April 2015

NCETA recently hosted a national conference 'Grey Matters: Preventing and responding to alcohol and other drug problems among older Australians'.
