Increasing trends in coke, ket, nangs and poppers among people who regularly use ecstasy

November 2021
Grigg, J. & Lenton. S. (2021). Increasing trends in recent use of coke, ket, nangs and poppers among Perth EDRS samples. Drug Trends Bulletin Series. Sydney: NDARC, UNSW Sydney

In 2020, the WA Ecstasy and related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) documented record highs in self-reported recent use of cocaine, ketamine, amyl nitrite (‘poppers’) and nitrous oxide (‘nangs’). While these substances are commonly perceived as relatively harmless ‘party drugs’, and are on the mid to lower end of harm ranking systems, use still carries risks.

This bulletin examined trends in self-reported use of these substances among sentinel cross-sectional samples of Western Australians recruited for the EDRS who regularly use ecstasy/MDMA and other illicit stimulants, investigating markers of increasing risk and market changes.

Read the bulletin here