Parents' views on alcohol messaging: Focus group study
NCETA research team: Prof Jacqueline Bowden, Mr Nathan Harrison, Ms Christina Norris and Dr Ashlea Bartram
Prof Robin Room (Centre for Alcohol Policy Research), Dr Rebecca Jenkinson (Australian Gambling Research Centre), Prof Ian Olver (The University of Adelaide), Prof Simone Pettigrew (The George Institute for Global Health), Ms Marina Bowshall (Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia), Prof Caroline Miller (The University of Adelaide; South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute), Tahnee McCausland (WA Mental Health Commission), Prof Billie Bonevski (Flinders University), Dr Michael Murphy (MM Research), A/Prof Sarah Durkin (Cancer Council Victoria) and Dr Emily Brennan (Cancer Council Victoria).
The NCETA research team is conducting an online focus group study to understand parents’ views on alcohol messaging. Previous research has found that parental stage, parenting style and key sociodemographic characteristics (including parent gender and education) are associated with parental supply, and likely to contribute to message interpretation and subsequent behaviour. Through a series of online focus groups with Australian parents of adolescents (aged 12-17 years), this project will generate in-depth insights on messaging approaches that discourage current and/or future alcohol provision to children. We will investigate parents’ responses to existing Australian and international advertisements designed to target parental supply, with the aim of identifying message characteristics and mechanisms considered acceptable, reliable, and persuasive by the target group. Findings will inform future public health interventions to reduce parental supply of alcohol. We look forward to sharing findings of the study in due course.