For more information about NCETA’s extensive workforce development research program please see the following weblink:
Enhancing Australia’s clinical research capacity to respond to emerging drugs
NCETA staff:
Professor Ann Roche
Mr Roger Nicholas
Ms Kirsten Ryan
Professor Nadine Ezard, Director, National Centre for Clinical Research on Emerging Drugs (NCCRED)
Dr Krista Siefried, Clinical Research Lead, NCCRED
The National Centre for Clinical Research on Emerging Drugs (NCCRED) has engaged NCETA to develop a Workforce Development (WFD) Strategy addressing the needs of the clinical research workforce that focuses on methamphetamine and other emerging psychoactive drugs. The Strategy will provide a blueprint for NCCRED to enhance WFD among the clinical research workforce and will be aligned to:
- The National AOD Workforce Development Strategy 2015-2018
- Other relevant strategies and policy initiatives e.g., the National Drug Strategy 2017-2026, National Ice Action Strategy 2015, Australian Clinical Trials Toolkit, Framework for a National Response to New Psychoactive Substances.
- NCCRED’s overall program of work.
In developing this Strategy, NCETA and NCCRED acknowledge that while the clinical researcher workforce has not been extensively investigated in the past, it is highly likely that researchers will come from diverse backgrounds:
- Some researchers come from a clinical background and attain research-based skills and qualifications
- Other researchers come from a quantitative or qualitative background and apply these skills to the area of emerging drugs.
To inform the development of the WFD Strategy:
- NCETA has developed a consultation paper which will be available on both the NCETA and NCCRED websites. Interested parties are invited to download the Consultation Paper and provide written responses to the questions therein. Responses can be emailed to
- A series of targeted consultations will be undertaken with key stakeholders.
This project builds on NCETA’s ongoing workforce development research program which aims to enhance the capacity of AOD workers and organisations to respond effectively to AOD-related issues. It includes a focus on systems change and the implementation of best practice for frontline workers and policy and managerial levels.