If you would like more information on this project, please contact Dr Ashlea Bartram, Research Fellow, NCETA: Ashlea.Bartram@flinders.edu.au
Consultation on the draft revised National Alcohol and Other Drug Workforce Development Strategy
Dr Ashlea Bartram, Roger Nicholas, Victoria Kostadinov, Vinita Duraisingam, Professor Jacqueline Bowden
The Australian Government Department of Health (the Department) has commissioned NCETA to review and revise the National Alcohol and other Drug Workforce Development Strategy (the Strategy). The original scope of the project involved the development of a draft Strategy, guided by stakeholder consultation based on a Discussion Paper addressing AOD and WFD issues. Through the process of stakeholder consultations, NCETA received strong and consistent feedback from the sector that an opportunity for stakeholders to review and comment on the draft revised Strategy would help to strengthen engagement with and uptake of the Strategy. Based on this feedback, the Department has commissioned NCETA to undertake an additional targeted stakeholder consultation on the draft Strategy. It is anticipated that consultations on the draft Strategy will open in the third quarter of 2022, with a revised draft Strategy finalised and provided to the Department in late 2022 or early 2023.