Pulmonary granulamatosis amongst injecting drug users

July 2014

NDARC: Prof Shane Darke, Michelle Tye

Other investigators: 

Prof Johan Duflou, Department of Forensic Medicine, Sydney South West Area Health Service; UNSW; University of Sydney

Project description: 

The injection of tablet preparations has increased markedly in recent years. The intravenous injection of drugs intended for oral use can cause a condition in the lungs caused pulmonary granulamatosis. Pulmonary granulamatosis occurs when tablet particles become lodged in the lungs, leading to a condition called pulmonary granulamatosis. This in turn may result in pulmonary hypertension and heart failure. This project aims to determine the number of cases of sudden or unnatural deaths in which pulmonary granulamatosis was diagnosed, and the medical consequences of pulmonary granulamatosis. 

More about this project: https://ndarc.med.unsw.edu.au/project/pulmonary-granulamatosis-amongst-injecting-drug-users