A national AOD peer workforce framework

March 2024

Ele Morrison (The Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League), Dr Kirrilly Thompson (National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction), John Gobeil (The Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League), Jess Doumany (The Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League), Adrian Gorringe (The Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League), and Prof. Jacqueline Bowden (National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction)

Project description: 

The peer workforce is increasingly recognised as playing an important role in harm reduction and AOD treatment.

A great history of peer-based organisations exists, with people with lived/living experience of alcohol and other drug use leading all aspects of the organisation, and some other organisations employing peers as part of a broader workforce in both peer-identified and other roles. Currently, there are no recognised national standards or best practice for employing the peer workforce.

The Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) has partnered with the National Centre for Education and Training (NCETA) to co-develop a national AOD peer workforce framework.

The overarching aim of the project is the co-design of a first-time national framework for best practice in peer workforce employment. It will cover recruitment, employment, support and supervision, as well as policies and procedures relevant to the employment of people who have lived-living experience of illicit drug use. The framework will benefit AOD peer workers by addressing stigma, reducing discrimination and giving them the support necessary to excel in their roles. It will be developed with the expertise of an AIVL-led steering committee and a working group, with connection to representatives from every state and territory including employers (drug user organisations and national peaks) and peer workers.

Interviews with end-users of the framework will be undertaken by NCETA to supplement earlier consultations and the foundation of evidence guiding the framework’s compilation and completion.

For more information about participation in interviews, please contact Dr Kirrilly Thompson via Kirrilly.thompson@flinders.edu.au

This project is being supported under AIVL’s and NCETA’s core funding agreement by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care.