November 2023

The recent APSAD conference in Adelaide showcased the extensive research of the NDARC team with 38 attendees and five virtual attendees. Dr Sara Farnbach received the Kypros Kypri APSAD Early Career Researcher Award for her impressive work in co-design, community collaboration, and culturally appropriate research. Dr Penny Hill also received recognition for her national and international drug policy advocacy, winning the APSAD Advocacy Award. Dr Wing See Yuen won the APSAD Early Career Research poster prize for her work on alcohol-associated cancer risk awareness among the Australian LGBTQI+ community. Associate Professor Rebecca McKetin's keynote address provided valuable insights on stimulant use and harm research and future possibilities for methamphetamine treatment.

The NDARC team's oral presentations covered various topics, including drug markets, drug alerts, drug policy, and clinical trials. The poster hall showcased 11 posters that drew interested audiences during breaks. Students and staff also appreciated other presentations, including discussions on legalising cannabis and supply-side interventions for opioids. Overall, the conference was an excellent opportunity for the NDARC team to share their research and network with others in the field.