February 2015

One in six patients using prescribed opioids for chronic pain also use cannabis.

February 2015

Adolescent alcohol consumption is a persistent community concern and early onset of alcohol use is an established risk factor for subsequent harm.

February 2015

Workplaces have a substantial impact on workers' mental health and bear a large proportion of the social and economic burden associated with mental illness. This systematic review was undertaken to examine the current evidence base for workplace interventions addressing mental health problems in male-dominated industries.

February 2015

This study examined the sexual health behaviour, alcohol and other drug use, and health service use among young Noongar people in the south-west of Western Australia.

November 2014

This paper, published in The Lancet Psychiatry in September 2014, aimed to provide a broad picture of the psychosocial consequences of adolescent cannabis use.

November 2014

This article discusses some considerations that can guide policy development within Australia regarding alcohol-exposed pregnancies and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

November 2014

This publication summarises results from a study that set out to observe if, when, and how clinicians working in a publically funded alcohol/other drug (AOD) clinical service might utilise a computer-based psychological treatment program in their clinical practice.

November 2014

This paper spotlights researchers' analyses of mortality in cohorts treated with oral naltrexone and methadone. They found large-scale use of oral naltrexone to treat opioid users may not have, as intended, saved lives.

November 2014

Since the mid-1990s, there have been calls to make naloxone, a prescription-only medicine in many countries, available to heroin and other opioid users and their peers and family members to prevent

November 2014

Within the hospitality industry, workers in the commercial cookery sector appears particularly prone to potentially risky behaviours.
