Managing co-occurring AOD and mental health conditions
Dr Christina Marel
Associate Professor Katherine Mills
Mr Jack Wilson
Professor Maree Teesson
In 2014 the Australian Government Department of Health funded the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use (CREMS) at NDARC to develop an evidence-based website and online training program to facilitate the translation and online dissemination of the “Guidelines on the management of co-occurring alcohol and other drug and mental health conditions in alcohol and other drug treatment settings (2nd edition)” published in 2016.
Although developed primarily for alcohol and other drug workers, the content may also be useful for other healthcare providers, as well as people undertaking studies in mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and public health, and was conducted in consultation with consumers, carers, clinicians, academics, researchers and policy makers. This website hosts the online content of the Guidelines, online training program, and links to other resources.
For full details of this project please visit the NDARC website.