November 2021

The annual APSAD conference is finished for another year, with excellent representation from NCETA staff as always. Despite some challenges associated with the new virtual format, staff enjoyed the opportunity to present their research and learn from other colleagues in the field. NCETA contributions included four oral presentations and four posters. The research showcased included examinations of:

  • The prevalence of lived experience in the AOD workforce, wellbeing among this group and organisational strategies to support them
  • Women’s alcohol consumption through a work/life lens, and implications for health interventions and workplace policy
  • Burnout and engagement in early and mid/late career AOD workers
  • Reviews of workplace alcohol and drug interventions
  • NCETA’s screening and withdrawal tools collection
  • An outcomes framework for information and support services focused on family and friends concerned about alcohol and drug use by loved ones
  • Predictors of workers’ daily tobacco smoking
  • The costs to workplaces of alcohol-related absenteeism.

The research was all well-received, with informative and lively Q&A sessions which offered the opportunity to further discuss the implications of NCETA’s work and engage with similar researchers. Valuable networking opportunities stemming from the conference have also already resulted in several potential collaborations. NCETA staff are all looking forward to APSAD 2022, and hoping to connect with their colleagues face-to-face once more in Darwin next year.