December 2019

NCETA conducted a systematic review of operational definitions of QOL and the tools used to assess it by published studies conducted in residential rehabilitation treatment settings.

December 2019

This study explores the perspectives of primary healthcare staff and Indigenous patients about their willingness to and experiences participating in SEWB research.

December 2019

This study analysed the available evidence to ascertain the effectiveness and safety of all types of medicinal cannabinoids in treating symptoms of various mental disorders.

December 2019

This is the first global review of the evidence on methamphetamine use and mental health.

December 2019

This article uses 16 waves of longitudinal data to examine the consistency of self-reported drinker status.

October 2019

NCETA has reviewed the Australian methamphetamine-related guidelines for the National Centre for Clinical Research on Emerging Drugs (NCCRED).

October 2019

This program of research uses linked health and law enforcement data to describe individuals presenting to emergency and inpatient healthcare services with an acute alcohol harm or problematic alcohol use.

October 2019

Adolescents under the legal purchase age primarily source their alcohol through social networks. This study assessed the provision context from the perspective of both underage recipients and their suppliers who were older peers and siblings.

October 2019

Researchers conducted cross-national comparisons of the prevalence and correlates of drug use disorders (DUDs) in countries of varied economic, social and cultural nature.

October 2019

Young men represent a quarter of all episodes of police custody detention for adult males in Victoria, but little is known about their experience.
