Reliable estimates of per capita alcohol consumption, based on alcohol sales data collections, are essential for informing and evaluating alcohol policy. In fact, the WHO advocates that all nations collect alcohol sales data for the purpose of monitoring alcohol consumption levels, in addition to population level surveys of consumption patterns. Canada is currently leading the way with mandatory sales data collections from all its provinces. Will Australia follow suit?
Young people with multiple and complex needs do not represent a large proportion of people with significant drug and alcohol or mental health problems, but the harms they experience reverberate across their lifetimes and, as often as not, impact negatively on the lives of their own children. It is this persistent, inter-generality of harms that demands an effective response.
A new online alcohol and other drug knowledgebase has been launched by NCETA. The National Alcohol and Drug Knowledgebase (NADK) presents, for the first time, up-to-date alcohol-related information in a consistent, comparable and ‘user-friendly’ manner that can be used by practitioners, policy-makers and the broader community.