December 2016

Reports /Bulletins publications

Degenhardt, L., Gibson, G., Leung, J., Kumvaj, M., & Larney, S. (2016). Searching the grey literature to access research on illicit drug use, HIV and viral hepatitis: A resource to identify drug-related databases and websites (NDARC Technical Report, No. 334). Sydney, NSW: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales. Retrieved from 

Growns, B., Kinner, S., Baldry, E., Conroy, E., & Larney, S. (2016). Supported accommodation services for people released from custody: A systematic review to inform the development of the Rainbow Lodge Program (NDARC Technical Report No. 335). Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales. Retrieved from

Lensvelt, E., Gilmore, W., Gordon, E., Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T.N. (2016). Trends in estimated alcohol-attributable assault hospitalisations in Australia 2003/04 to 2012/13. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 15. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia.

Marel, C., Deady, M., Mills, K., Kingston, R., & Teesson, M. (2016). Training and support needs of youth substance use and mental health workers in relation to comorbidity (NDARC Technical Report No. 333). Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales. Retrieved from 

Memedovic, S., Iversen, J., & Maher, L. (2016). Drug injection trends among participants in the Australian Needle and Syringe program Survey, 2011-2015. Drug Trends Bulletin, October Supplement 2016, 1-4.  Retrieved from

Stafford, J., Burns, L., & Breen, C. (2016). Key findings from the 2016 IDRS: A survey of people who inject drugs. Drug Trends Bulletin, October 2016, 1-5.  Retrieved from

Stafford, J., Sutherland, R., Burns, L., & Breen, C. (2016). The 2016 EDRS key findings: A survey of people who regularly use psychostimulant drugs. EDRS Drug Trends Bulletin, October 2016, 1-5.  Retrieved from

Van Buskirk, J., Naicker, S., Bruno, R., Burns, L., Breen, C., & Roxburgh, A. (2016). Drugs and the Internet. Drugs and New Technologies (DNeT) Bulletin, Issue 7(October), 1-14.  Retrieved from



Journal articles and book chapters

Afzali, M. H., Sunderland, M., Teesson, M., Carragher, N., Mills, K., & Slade, T. (2016). A network approach to the comorbidity between posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder: the role of overlapping symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, Advance online publication, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2016.10.037 Retrieved from

Alam-Mehrjerdi, Z., Noori, R., & Dolan, K. (2016). Opioid use, treatment and harm reduction services: the first report from the Persian Gulf region. Journal of Substance Use, 21(2), 217-223. doi: 10.3109/14659891.2014.966344 Retrieved from

Allan, J., Roche, A., Pidd, K., McEntee, A., & Kostadinov, V. (2016). Can you teach alcohol and drug first aid? (Yes, You Can). Drug and Alcohol Review, 35(Supplement 1), 23. Link:

Andrews, M., Baker, A. L., Halpin, S. A., Lewin, T. J., Richmond, R., Kay-Lambkin, F., Filia, S. L., Castle, D., Williams, J. M., Clark, V., & Callister, R. (2016). Early therapeutic alliance, treatment retention, and 12-month outcomes in a healthy lifestyles intervention for people with psychotic disorders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204(12), 894-902. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000585 Retrieved from

Barratt, M. J. (2016). a harm-reduction community that supports public health research: letter to the editor. Journal of Substance Use, Advance online publication, 1-2. doi: 10.1080/14659891.2016.1208779 Retrieved from

Barratt, M. J., & Maddox, A. (2016). Active engagement with stigmatised communities through digital ethnography. Qualitative Research, 16(6), 701-719. doi:10.1177/1468794116648766 Retrieved from 

Barratt, M. J., Seear, K., & Lancaster, K. (2016). A critical examination of the definition of ‘psychoactive effect’ in Australian drug legislation. International Journal of Drug Policy, Advance online publication, 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2016.10.002 Retrieved from

Batterham, P. J., McGrath, J., McGorry, P. D., Kay-Lambkin, F. J., Hickie, I. B., & Christensen, H. (2016). NHMRC funding of mental health research. Medical Journal of Australia, 205(8), 350-351. doi:10.5694/mja16.00179 Retrieved from

Beck, A. K., Baker, A., Kelly, P. J., Deane, F. P., Shakeshaft, A., Hunt, D., Forbes, E., & Kelly, J. F. (2016). Protocol for a systematic review of evaluation research for adults who have participated in the ‘SMART recovery’ mutual support programme. BMJ Open, 6(5), e009934. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009934 Retrieved from

Bright, S.J. and Williams, C.M. (2016). Development of Australia’s first older adult-specific early intervention for alcohol-related harm: Feasibility and proof of concept. Australasian Journal on Ageing. Online, DOI: 10.1111/ajag.12366.

Butler, K., Reeve, R., Viney, R., & Burns, L. (2016). Estimating prevalence of drug and alcohol presentations to hospital emergency departments in NSW, Australia: impact of hospital consultation liaison services. Public health research & practice, 26(4), e2641642. doi: Retrieved from

Butterfield, R. J., Barratt, M. J., Ezard, N., & Day, R. O. (2016). Drug checking to improve monitoring of new psychoactive substances in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 204(4), 144-145. doi:10.5694/mja15.01058 Retrieved from

Byrnes, J., Shakeshaft, A., Petrie, D., & Doran, C. M. (2016). Is response to price equal for those with higher alcohol consumption? The European Journal of Health Economics, 17(1), 23-29. doi: 10.1007/s10198-014-0651-z Retrieved from

Cameron, J., Pidd, K., Lee, N., Roche, A., & Jenner, L. (2016). “and by just getting it out on the table, it just becomes more normal when it's talked about.” A qualitative analysis of workplace alcohol and drug interventions. Drug and Alcohol Review, 35(Supplement 1), 29. Link:

Chalmers, J., Ritter, A., & Berends, L. (2016). Estimating met demand for alcohol and other drug treatment in Australia. Addiction, 111(11), 2041–2049. doi: 10.1111/add.13473 Retrieved from;jsessionid=E24C865660825C43E9B74F4BB90373A1.f03t01.

Cooper, S., & Nielsen, S. (2016). Stigma and social support in pharmaceutical opioid treatment populations: a scoping review. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Advance online publication, 1-18. doi: 10.1007/s11469-016-9719-6 Retrieved from

Copeland, J., Gates, P., & Pokorski, I. (2016). A narrative review of psychological cannabis use treatments with and without pharmaceutical adjunct. Current pharmaceutical design., 22, 1-12. doi:10.2174/1381612822666160831094811 Retrieved from

Currier, D., Pirkis, J., Carlin, J., Degenhardt, L., Dharmage, S. C., Giles-Corti, B., Gordon, I., Gurrin, L., Hocking, J., Kavanagh, A., Keogh, L. A., Koelmeyer, R., LaMontagne, A. D., Schlichthorst, M., Patton, G., Sanci, L., Spittal, M. J., Studdert, D. M., Williams, J., & English, D. R. (2016). The Australian longitudinal study on male health-methods. BMC Public Health, 16(Supplement 3), 3698. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3698-1 Retrieved from

Darke, S. (2016). Addiction classics: Editorial note. Addiction, 111(11), 1899. doi: 10.1111/add.13516 Retrieved from

Darke, S. (2016). Heroin overdose: Addiction classics. Addiction, 111(11), 2060-2063. doi: 10.1111/add.13516 Retrieved from

Darke, S., & Duflou, J. (2016). Response to Ruan and colleagues concerning ‘The toxicology of heroin-related death: estimating survival times’: letter to the editor. Addiction, 111(12), 2262. doi: 10.1111/add.13587 Retrieved from;jsessionid=534189F65AB83CA6C15D9B5A15DB3309.f02t03.

Deacon, R. M., Nielsen, S., Leung, S., Rivas, G., Cubitt, T., Monds, L. A., Ezard, N., Larance, B., & Lintzeris, N. (2016). Alprazolam use and related harm among opioid substitution treatment clients – 12 months follow up after regulatory rescheduling. International Journal of Drug Policy, 36, 104-111. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2016.06.006 Retrieved from

Degenhardt, L., Hall, W., & Weier, M. (2017). Illicit drugs: patterns of use, dependence, and contribution to disease burden in developed countries. In S. Quah & W. C. Cockerham (Eds.), International encyclopedia of public health (2nd ed., Vol. 4, pp. 134-145). Oxford: Academic Press.

Dunn, M. (2016). Have prohibition policies made the wrong decision? A critical review of studies investigating the effects of DMAA. International Journal of Drug Policy, Advance online publication, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2016.10.005 Retrieved from

Edge, C. L., King, E. J., Dolan, K., & McKee, M. (2016). Prisoners co-infected with tuberculosis and HIV: a systematic review. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 19(1), 20960. doi: 10.7448/IAS.19.1.20960 Retrieved from

Forbes, M. K., Crome, E., Sunderland, M., & Wuthrich, V. M. (2016). Perceived needs for mental health care and barriers to treatment across age groups. Aging & Mental Health, Advance online publication, 1-7. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2016.1193121 Retrieved from

GBD 2015 DALYs and HALE Collaborators, & Degenhardt, L. (2016). Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 315 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE), 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet, 388, 1603-1658. doi: UNSW e-journal Retrieved from

 GBD 2015 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators, & Degenhardt, L. (2016). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence and years lived with disability for 310 acute and chronic diseases and injuries, 1990- 2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet, 388, 1545-1602.  Retrieved from

GBD 2015 Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators, & Degenhardt, L. (2016). Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet, 388, 1459-1544.  Retrieved from

GBD HIV Collaborators, & Degenhardt, L. (2016). Estimates of global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980–2015: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet HIV, 3(8), e361-e387. doi: 10.1016/S2352-3018(16)30087-X Retrieved from

GBD Maternal Mortality Collaborators, & Degenhardt, L. (2016). Global, regional, and national levels of maternal mortality, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet, 388(10053), 8-14. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31470-2 Retrieved from

GBD SDG Collaborators, & Degenhardt, L. (2016). Measuring the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: a baseline analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet, 388(10053), 1813-1850. doi: Retrieved from

Gilligan, C., Wolfenden, L., Foxcroft, D. R., Kingsland, M., Williams, A. J., Hodder, R. K., Small, T., Sherker, S., Rae, J., Tindall, J., Stockings, E., & Wiggers, J. (2016). Family-based prevention programs for alcohol use in young people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 8, Art. No.: CD012287. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012287 Retrieved from;jsessionid=3A9072EC743DB7E20F4F8307B095C398.f02t01.

Global Burden of Disease 2015 Child Mortality Collaborators, & Degenhardt, L (2016). Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet, 388, 1725-1774. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31575-6 Retrieved from

Global Burden of Disease Pediatrics Collaboration, & Degenhardt, L. (2016). Global and national burden of diseases and injuries among children and adolescents between 1990 and 2013 findings from the global burden of disease 2013 study. JAMA Pediatrics, 170(3), 267-287. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.4276 Retrieved from

Goodhew, M., Salmon, A. M., Marel, C., Mills, K. L., & Jauncey, M. (2016). Mental health among clients of the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC). Harm Reduction Journal, 13, 29. doi: 10.1186/s12954-016-0117-y Retrieved from

Gowing, L., Farrell, M. F., Ali, R., & White, J. M. (2016). Alpha2-adrenergic agonists for the management of opioid withdrawal. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3, Art. No.: CD002024. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002024.pub5 Retrieved from

Griffiths, S., Henshaw, R., McKay, F. H., & Dunn, M. (2016). Post-cycle therapy for performance and image enhancing drug users: A qualitative investigation. Performance Enhancement & Health, Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.peh.2016.11.002 Retrieved from

Handley, T. E., Kay-Lambkin, F. J., Baker, A. L., Lewin, T. J., Kelly, B. J., Inder, K. J., Attia, J. R., & Kavanagh, D. J. (2016). Investigation of a suicide ideation risk profile in people with co-occurring depression and substance use disorder. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204(11), 820-826. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000473 Retrieved from

Hart, A.C. (2016). Good Sports, drinking cultures and hegemonic masculinities in a community sporting club case study. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 23, (4), pp. 302-311.

Hookham, G., Bewick, B., Kay-Lambkin, F., & Nesbitt, K. (2016). A concurrent think aloud study of engagement and usability in a serious game. doi: 10.1145/2843043.2843481 Retrieved from

Hookham, G., Nesbitt, K., & Kay-Lambkin, F. (2016). Comparing usability and engagement between a serious game and a traditional online program. doi: 10.1145/2843043.2843365 Retrieved from

Islam, M. M., Nielsen, S., McRae, I. S., Haber, P. S., Demirkol, A., Murnion, B., Wilson, H., & Conigrave, K. M. (2016). Prescribing and dispensing of benzodiazepines: implications for dependence and misuse. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-800634-4.00028-7 Retrieved from

Kelly, P. J., Raftery, D., Deane, F. P., Baker, A. L., Hunt, D., & Shakeshaft, A. (2016). From both sides: Participant and facilitator perceptions of SMART Recovery groups. Drug and Alcohol Review, Advance online publication, 1-8. doi: 10.1111/dar.12416. Retrieved from

Konstenius, M., Leifman, A., van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen, K., van de Glind, G., Franck, J., Moggi, F., Ramos-Quiroga, J. A., Levin, F. R., Carpentier, P. J., Skutle, A., Buj, E., Kaye, S., Demetrovics, Z., Barta, C., Auriecomb, M., Fatséas, M., Johnson, B., Faraone, S. V., Allsop, S., Carruthers, S., Schoevers, R. A., Verspreet, S., Dom, G., Koeterd, M. W. J., & van den Brink, W. (2016). Childhood trauma exposure in substance use disorder patients with and without ADHD. Addictive Behaviors, 65, 118-124. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.10.016 Retrieved from

Konstenius, M., Leifman, A., van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen, K., van de Glind, G., Franck, J., Moggi, F., Ramos-Quiroga, J., Levin, F.R., Carpentier, P., Skutle, A., Bu, E.H., Kaye, S., Demetrovics, Z., Barta, C., Auriacombe, M., Fatséas, M., Johnson, B., Faraone, S.V., Allsop, S., Carruthers, S., Schoevers, R.A., Verspreet, S., Dom, G., Koeter, M.W. and van den Brink, W. (2016). Childhood trauma exposure in substance use disorder patients with and without ADHD. Addictive Behaviours, 65, pp. 118-124.

Krusi, A., McNeil, R., Moore, D. and Small, W. (2016). ‘Because I’ve been extremely careful’: HIV seroconversion, responsibility, citizenship, and the neo-liberal drug-using subject. Health, Risk and Society. Online, DOI: 10.1080/13698575.2016.1245850.

Lam, T., Lenton, S., Ogeil, R., Burns, L., Aiken, A., Chikritzhs, T., Gilmore, W., Lloyd, B., Wilson, J., Lubman, D., Mattick, R., & Allsop, S. (2016). Most recent risky drinking session with Australian teenagers. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Advance online publication, 1-6. doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12598 Retrieved from

Lappin, J. M., Roxburgh, A., Kaye, S., Chalmers, J., Sara, G., Dobbins, T., Burns, L., & Farrell, M. (2016). Increased prevalence of self-reported psychotic illness predicted by crystal methamphetamine use: Evidence from a high-risk population. International Journal of Drug Policy, 38, 16-20. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2016.10.018 Retrieved from

Larney, S., Zador, D., Sindicich, N., & Dolan, K. (2016). A qualitative study of reasons for seeking and ceasing opioid substitution treatment in prisons in New South Wales. Drug and Alcohol Review, Advance online publication, 1-6. doi: 10.1111/dar.12442 Retrieved from

Lenton, S., Grigg, J., Scott, J.A. and Barratt, M.J. (2016). The social supply of cannabis in Australia: Definitional challenges and regulatory possibilities. In Werse, B. and Bernard, C. (Eds) Friendly Business - International Views on Social Supply, Self-Supply and Small-Scale Drug Dealing. Springer VS, Stuttgart, pp 29-46. Link:

Luu, B. L., Smith, J. L., Martin, P. G., McBain, R. A., Taylor, J. L., & Butler, J. E. (2016). Feedforward consequences of isometric contractions: effort and ventilation. Physiological Reports, 4(15), e12882. doi: 10.14814/phy2.12882 Retrieved from

Mattick, R. P., Wadolowski, M., Aiken, A., Clare, P. J., Hutchinson, D., Najman, J., Slade, T., Bruno, R., McBride, N., Degenhardt, L., & Kypri, K. (2016). Parental supply of alcohol and alcohol consumption in adolescence: prospective cohort study. Psychological Medicine, Advance online publication, 1 -12. doi: 10.1017/S0033291716002373 Retrieved from

McSweeney, T., Hughes, C., & Ritter, A. (2016). The impact of compliance with a compulsory model of drug diversion on treatment engagement and reoffending. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, Advance online publication, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/09687637.2016.1219695 Retrieved from

Meiser, B., Peate, M., Levitan, C., Mitchell, P. B., Trevena, L., Barlow-Stewart, K., Dobbins, T., Christensen, H., Sherman, K. A., Dunlop, K., & Schofield, P. R. (2016). A psycho-educational intervention for people with a family history of depression: pilot results. Journal of Genetic Counseling, Advance online publication, 1-10. doi:10.1007/s10897-016-0011-5 Retrieved from

Metse, A. P., Wiggers, J. H., Wye, P. M., Wolfenden, L., Prochaska, J. J., Stockings, E. M., Williams, J. M., Ansell, K., Fehily, C., & Bowman, J. A. (2016). Smoking and mental illness: a bibliometric analysis of research output over time. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Advance online publication, 1-8. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntw249 Retrieved from

Mewton, L., & Andrews, G. (2016). Cognitive behavioral therapy for suicidal behaviors: improving patient outcomes. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 9, 21-29. doi: 10.2147/PRBM.S84589 Retrieved from

Mewton, L., Kessler, R. C., Slade, T., Hobbs, M. J., Brownhill, L., Birrell, L., Tonks, Z., Teesson, M., Newton, N., Chapman, C., Allsop, S., Hides, L., McBride, N., & Andrews, G. (2016). The psychometric properties of the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) in a general population sample of adolescents. Psychological Assessment, 28(10), 1232-1242. doi: 10.1037/pas0000239 Retrieved from,language=eng,view=UNSWS&svc_dat=viewit&u.ignore_date_coverage=true.

Mills, K. L., Barrett, E. L., Merz, S., Rosenfeld, J., Ewer, P. L., Sannibale, C., Baker, A. L., Hopwood, S., Back, S. E., Brady, K. T., & Teesson, M. (2016). Integrated exposure-based therapy for co-occurring Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and substance dependence: predictors of change in PTSD symptom severity. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 5(11), 101. doi: 10.3390/jcm5110101 Retrieved from

Mina, M. M., Cameron, B., Luciani, F., Vollmer-Conna, U., Lloyd, A. R., HITS-p investigators, & Dolan, K. (2016). Natural killer cells in highly exposed hepatitis C-seronegative injecting drug users. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 23(6), 462-472. doi: 10.1111/jvh.12511 Retrieved from

Moradi, A., Alammehrjerdi, Z., Daneshmand, R., Amini-Lari, M., Zarghami, M., & Dolan, K. (2016). HIV responses in Arab states on the southern Persian Gulf border: the first review. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 10(3), e5392. doi: 10.17795/ijpbs-5392. Retrieved from

Newton, N. C., Stapinski, L. A., Champion, K. E., Teesson, M., & Bussey, K. (2016). The reliability and validity of the Australian moral disengagement scale. Behaviour Change, 33(3), 136-149. doi: 10.1017/bec.2016.9 Retrieved from

Nielsen, S., Bruno, R., Degenhardt, L., Demirkol, A., & Lintzeris, N. (2016). Opioid agonist doses for oxycodone and morphine dependence: Findings from a retrospective case series. Drug and Alcohol Review, Advance online publication, 1-6. doi: 10.1111/dar.12418 Retrieved from

Nielsen, S., Larance, B., Degenhardt, L., Gowing, L., Kehler, C., & Lintzeris, N. (2016). Opioid agonist treatment for pharmaceutical opioid dependent people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 5, Art. No.: CD011117. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011117.pub2 Retrieved from

Nielsen, S., Menon, N., Larney, S., Farrell, M., & Degenhardt, L. (2016). Community pharmacist knowledge, attitudes and confidence regarding naloxone for overdose reversal. Addiction, 111(12), 2177–2186. doi: doi:10.1111/add.13517 Retrieved from

Noori, R., Farhoudian, A., Naranjiha, H., Farhadi, M. H., Dolan, K., & Khoddami-Vishteh, H. (2016). Comparison of characteristics of methamphetamine versus opiate users in Tehran, Iran. International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction, Advance online publication, e28815. doi: 10.5812/ijhrba.28815 Retrieved from

Peacock, A., Droste, N., & Bruno, R. (2016). Prime time for in situ measurement: what are the drivers and implications of energy drink co-ingestion on alcohol priming? Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40(10), 2073-2075. doi: 10.1111/acer.13179 Retrieved from

Pennay, A., Jenkinson, R., Quinn, B., Droste, N. T., Peacock, A., Lubman, D. I., & Miller, P. G. (2016). Investigating differences between drugs used in the Australian night-time economy: demographics, substance use, and harm. Substance Use & Misuse, Advance online publication, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2016.1214153 Retrieved from

Pidd, K., Cameron, J., Roche, A., Lee, N., & Jenner, L. (2016). Workplace interventions can be effective: Evidence from the Workplace Reduction of Alcohol-Related Harm Project. Drug and Alcohol Review, 35(Supplement 1), 60. Link:

Pidd, K., Roche, A., McEntee, A., & Trifonoff, A. (2016). Baseline data from an evaluation of a wellbeing intervention targeting young construction industry apprentices. Drug and Alcohol Review, 35(Supplement 1), 61. Link:

Pienaar, K., Moore, D., Fraser, S., Kokanovic, R., Treloar, C. and Dilkes-Frayne, E. (2016). Diffracting addicting binaries: An analysis of personal accounts of alcohol and other drug 'addiction'. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine. pp. 1-19.

Pirkis, J., Currier, D., Carlin, J., Degenhardt, L., Shyamali, C., Dharmage, S. C., Giles-Corti, B., Gordon, I. R., Gurrin, L. C., Hocking, J. S., Kavanagh, A., Keogh, L., Koelmeyer, R., LaMontagne, A. D., Patton, G., Sanci, L., Spittal, M. J., Schlichthorst, M., Studdert, D., Williams, J., & English, D. R. (2016). Cohort Profile: Ten to Men (the Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health). International Journal of Epidemiology, Advance online publication, 1-11. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyw055 Retrieved from

Potter, G., Barratt, M.J., Malm, A., Bouchard, M., Blok, T., Christensen, A., Decorte, T., Frank, V.A., Hakkarainen, P., Klein, A., Lenton, S., Perälä, J., Werse, B. and Wouters, M. (2016). Global patterns of domestic cannabis cultivation: Sample characteristics and patterns of growing across eleven countries. In Werse, B. and Bernard, C. (Eds) Friendly Business - International Views on Social Supply, Self-Supply and Small-Scale Drug Dealing. Springer VS, Stuttgart, pp 163-196.

Roche, A. (2016). Commentary on Mazerolle et al. (2017): The tide has turned – the shift to international supply undermines novel and effective law enforcement efforts. Addiction, Advance online publication, doi: …

Roche, A., & McEntee, A. (2016). Ice and the outback: Patterns and prevalence of methamphetamine use in rural Australia. Australian Journal of Rural Health, Advance online publication, doi:10.1111/ajr.12331. Retrieved from Link

Roche, A., & Nicholas, R. (2016) Mental health and addictions workforce development: Past, present, and future: in Workforce Development Theory and Practice in the Mental Health Sector. M. Smith & A. Jury (Eds.). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Roche, A., & Nicholas, R. (2016). Alcohol and other drug sector workforce development in Pacific Rim Countries: Drivers of change and ways forward. Drug and Alcohol Review, 35(Supplement 1), 64. Link:

Roche, A., Kostadinov, V., & Fischer, J. (2016). Stress and substance use: A review of the literature and guide for practice and intervention. Drug and Alcohol Review, 35(Supplement 1), 63. Link:

Roche, A., McEntee, A., & Kostadinov, V. (2016). Methamphetamine use in rural Australia: Patterns, prevalence and correlates of use in non-metropolitan vs metropolitan users. Drug and Alcohol Review, 35(Supplement 1), 64. Link:

Roche, A., Pidd, K., Cameron, J., & Kostadinov, V. (2016). An international review of Employee Assistance Programs: What does the future hold? Drug and Alcohol Review, 35(Supplement 1), 64. Link:

Slade, T., Chapman, C., Swift, W., Keyes, K., Tonks, Z., & Teesson, M. (2016). Birth cohort trends in the global epidemiology of alcohol use and alcohol-related harms in men and women: systematic review and metaregression. BMJ Open, 6, e011827. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011827 Retrieved from

Strauss, N., Bright, S.J. and Williams, M.L. (2016). Australia should be initiating a psychedelic research program: What are the barriers? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. Online, DOI: 10.1177/0004867416670520.

Thornton, L., Batterham, P. J., Fassnacht, D. B., Kay-Lambkin, F., Calear, A. L., & Hunt, S. (2016). Recruiting for health, medical or psychosocial research using Facebook: Systematic review. Internet Interventions, 4(1), 72-81. doi: 10.1016/j.invent.2016.02.001 Retrieved from

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