Incentivise – Integrating contingency management for methamphetamine use into routine clinical care in Australia

November 2021

Rebecca McKetin, Michael Farrell, Louisa Degenhardt, Rachel Sutherland, Simon Clay, Samantha Colledge, Zachary Wilkinson

Other Collaborators: 

Dr Shalini Arunogiri (Monash University)

Dr Alison Marshall (Kirby Institute, UNSW)

A/Prof Meredith Ginley (Eastern Tennessee State University)

Prof Jason Grebely (Kirby Institute, UNSW)

Dr Dean Membrey (Cohealth, Western Health)

Dr Paul McCartney (Cohealth, Western Health)

Dr Michael Christmas (Next Step Drug and Alcohol Services, Perth)

Jack Nagle (Connections Based Living)

Project description: 

Contingency management (CM) is a paradigm developed in the USA and found to be one of the most effective treatment options for managing methamphetamine dependence. The conventional paradigm involves providing increasingly valuable reinforcers (vouchers/prize draws) for consecutive drug-free urines. The aim of this project is to explore options for implementing CM for methamphetamine dependence in different services in Australia. Results will be used to identify models of CM that have the potential to be taken to scale and to deliver an effective treatment to address methamphetamine use within routine clinical care in Australia.