Updated online tool shows alcohol harm trends in Australia

July 2021

The Australian alcohol-attributable harm visualisation tool, developed by NDRI researchers to identify alcohol harm trends, has been updated with new data using the latest methods.

 Available at alcoholharmtool.info, the online alcohol harm tool provides an instant, interactive way to identify trends in Australian alcohol-attributable hospitalisations and deaths using lines charts, bar charts and maps.

The alcohol harm tool provides information on counts and population rates of alcohol-attributable harm by state/territory, metro and non-metro areas, health condition, age group and gender. Trends in alcohol-attributable hospitalisations and deaths can be plotted between 2010 and 2017.

Counts of alcohol-attributable deaths and hospitalisations are based on the alcohol aetiologic fraction (AAF) method for quantifying alcohol-attributable deaths and hospitalisations using the latest methods.

The tool is part of the National Alcohol Indicators Project (NAIP), a nationally coordinated project led by NDRI, which aims to track and report on trends in alcohol-related harm in Australia at national, state and local levels.

Visit alcoholharmtool.info for more information and to use the tool