CRE Indigenous Health + Alcohol launches 2020 Symposium Series

August 2020

NDRI’s Annalee Stearne will co-present the first symposium in the 2020 Symposium Series hosted by the Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Health + Alcohol. The symposium on ‘Aboriginal leadership in research and policy’ will take place on Thursday 20 August from 11am to 12pm AEST. NDARC’s Doug James will co-present the third symposium ‘Cultural approaches to offering alcohol care’ on Thursday 1 October.

The free, online symposium series features the research being conducted by the CRE’s students and early career researchers. All presenters are Aboriginal themselves and so bring a unique insight into the challenges and opportunities in this field.

2020 Symposium Series program (Thursdays, 11am-12pm AEST)

20 August

Aboriginal leadership in research and policy

Presenters: Scott Wilson and Annalee Stearne

3 September

Unhealthy alcohol use and dependence: in community and prison samples

Presenters: Teagan Weatherall and Michael Doyle

1 October

Cultural approaches to offering alcohol care

Presenters: Gemma Khodr-Purcell and Doug James

19 November

How mainstream approaches work for Aboriginal people

Presenters: Liz Dale and Lynette Bullen

For more information and to register to attend one or all of the above events visit:

(Note: a unique link is needed to attend each symposium, so please register)

Any questions, please contact Taleah Reynolds (